WWPN Meeting Minutes/Holiday Potluck – 12/5/23

WWPN Meeting Minutes/Holiday Potluck – 12/5/23

Meeting Minutes – December 5, 2023

WWPN Meeting Minutes/Holiday Potluck

View the event image gallery here: https://photos.google.com/share/AF1QipMr19qLA2YnDFm4lJ0sVeZjZBwCoW1XmtbB2ezqcVrGREVwUqUTJVfh8b7NRti_hA?key=ek1yaTV4ekNVRjB5QnJkU1BTY0p0OXpfejRjREpB


05 December 2023/ 6:00 PM / Winter Park Heritage Center 


Guest Speaker: Tim Lawrence

Topic of Discussion:

   The new development for the WWPN website.

   Selecting Subcommittee.




  1. All please attend next month’s meeting so we may have a final discussion on the Bylaws.
  2. Provide Tim with Information for website.



Meeting Time:6:00pm



Carlos Benitez, Jeff Snyder, Donna Snyder, Mary Daniel, Barabara Chandler, Roda W.Carter, Hazel Walker, Glen Franklin, Martha Hall, Maria Bryant, Charles Newton, Julie Jones, Tim Lawerence, Jody Lazar, Denise Chatman, Linda Chappell.

 Potluck opening with Carlos Benitez blessing the food. 

Roda thank everyone for coming out. We mingled together and enjoyed the delicious food! The gathering was joyful! Roda presented the members with a surprise gift, a WWPN Tee shirt!

Tim Lawrence the guest speaker was introduced by Roda and Jeff. Tim presented his presentation showing us the WWPN website page, detailing the purpose and structure of the website. Tim stated he needs more information, board members pictures, Names, etc. We will continue to provide Tim with the information he needs to enhance the website page. Maria suggested we list contractors or others service provider to the website.

Members came together to establish a list of Subcommittee:

Fund Raising committee:

Chair, Jeff Synder

Committee members:

·      Denise Chatman

·      Jody Lazar

Historical Home Designation committee:

Chair, Martha Hall

Committee members:

·      Linda Chappell


Beautification Committee:

Chair, Linda Chappell

Committee members:

·      Julie Jones


 Grants Committee: 

Chair, Roda W. Carter,

Committee members:

·      Carlos Benitez


Event Planning Committee:

Chair, Donna Snyder

Committee members

·      Maria Bryant

·      Barbara Chandler


Social Media committee:

Chair, Tim Lawrence

Committee members

Charles Newton

Donna Snyder

We are looking forward to others committee to develop as we move forward with the organization.

Roda stated that Bylaws concerns will be discuss at next month meeting.

Meeting end 8:00pm

Previous 12/8/23 – The Holidays 2023 at Hannibal Square

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