Special Meeting: Winter Park Commons Development / Compatibility Concerns | Meeting Minutes – 11/7/2023

Special Meeting: Winter Park Commons Development / Compatibility Concerns | Meeting Minutes – 11/7/2023

Meeting Minutes – November 7, 2023


Guest Speaker: Kris Cruzada, City Commissioner  

Topic of Discussion:

  • The new development plan: Winter Park Commons.
  • A compatibility issue and why.
  • Discussions of zoning (R-3 to R-1) for adjacent street Webster.
  • Solutions: How we can encourage developers to provide a fair and equitable compromise and a win-win end result.


  1. All please attend the City Hall meeting tomorrow, 11/8/23 3:30pm. 



The above was the Agenda for a well attended Special Meeting held with the following notated:

Meeting Time: 6:00pm


  • Sheila Reid
  • Wanda Washington
  • Audrey Reed
  • Wanda Bradwell
  • Beverly Martin
  • Willie Clark
  • Jeff & Donna Snyder
  • Endell Williams
  • Julie Jones
  • Anjali Vaye
  • John & Grace Lais
  • Valerie Laurent
  • Mexcye Roberts
  • Maria Bryant
  • Brenda Martin
  • Ruben Paige
  • Martha Bryant
  • Glenn Franklin
  • Roda W. Carter
  • Two others who did not sign in

Commissioner Kris Kruzada was the guest speaker and was introduced with opening remarks outlining his reason for being there Roda. He discussed his affinity and passion for maintaining the history and charm of the neighborhood and how compatibility being the main area of concern was important to him. They shared visuals on an overhead projector.

The West Winter Park Community residents voiced their concerns to perserve their richly Historical Westside community. Several residents spoke about their homes and the environment surrounding their homes and community. Residents spoke emotionally about the Winter Park Commons Developers wanting to come into the area of single family homes to build rental dwellings that are not compatible in that surrounding area. Residents are moving forward to protect their older homes,property and churches by listing them under the  Historical registry list. So that their rights are protected. Roda suggested that a subcommittee get started with applying the paperwork for the Historical registry list! Mrs Martha Bryant-Hall stated that she’s willing to help out with the procees. Martha motion, Jeff second.  

Mr. Charles Rumdatt, Public & Transportation Director spoke about storm water levels that accumulate from rising water that causes flooding. He also stated that infrastructure is in need of repairs within the City of Winter Park to help prevent the vast flooding in certain areas. Charles stated that the City of Winter Park is adopting a plan to replace old pipes so they are able to handle overflow of water levels. 

After there was a unanimous decision of the request to help the Winter Park Commons development project become more compatible by making the perimeter primarily single family, detached buildings, Roda prepared a petition on the spot and all West Winter Park residents who were present, signed it to disapprove of the development of the Winter Park Commons.  

Meeting end 8:00pm                                                                            

Previous 10/31/23 – Halloween at the Community Center

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