Meeting Minutes – 5/18/2023

Meeting Minutes – 5/18/2023

Westside Community Discussion – Thursday, May 18, 2023

Hannibal Square & Surrounding Community Statistics:

Approximately .33 sq. mile, roughly Fairbanks to Beloit Ave., and Denning to New York Avenue

  • +/- 1780 residents in 787 homes
  • Average household size is 2
  • Median age 43.2
  • 25% of the community is over 65.2

There was significant discussion of communication. How is the community informed of news, opportunities and events in the city and more particularly related to the Westside Community?

The big take away is that there is no single solution. Some read their email, some follow social media, some will look at their email if they get a text message telling them to.

Do you remember the “Hannibal Herald”? It was suggested that it be revised and sent round, maybe on a quarterly basis. I found a 2016 version, which I’ve attached. Linda Walker suggested that neighborhood kids earn Community Service hours delivering this to area households. We will look at resuming the “Hannibal Herald” biannually to start, in September and February.

There were handouts available regarding a May 23 meeting at the WP Library for a Utility update, May 23, 5:30 – 7:30 pm, and information on an Orange County Senior Climate Efficiency Program, that is available to provide low-income seniors (60+) in Orange County with air conditioner replacement, service, or system upgrades as well as completing health and safety improvements in clients’ homes.

The Winter Park CRA has a number of loan/grant programs to help keep families in their homes. Since the CRA began, more than 250 homes have benefited from the program. There is a Home Renovation Program, a Paint Grant and a Driveway Grant. There is also an Emergency Repair Program to address issues related to the Hurricanes last year. There was concern expressed that the paperwork was complicated and that was preventing some from trying to apply. The information is available on the website and I am available to help any homeowner apply.

Please, if you know anyone who needs help with their home, let me know and I’ll work with them to get the application completed.


Traffic was discussed as an issue, speeding, parking illegally, and generally creating unsafe conditions for the community. Speeding on New England, Capen and down by Carver are a big problem. We are going to speak with traffic and planning to see what can be done to address the issue.

Several streets don’t have sufficient night lighting. It is either too low or non-existent. That will be sent to streets to address.

We discussed the Neighborhood Watch Program. Several community members volunteered to become Block Captains to bring back the Neighborhood Watch. Winter Park PD is ready to get that program going again and we’ll work on arranging an initial meeting (maybe with a block party) to kick it off.

Many thanks to Julie Jones, Roda Carter, Linda Walker, Lisa McClain and Bonnie Hamilton for stepping up to serve as Neighborhood Watch Block Captains.

The programming and costs related to the Community Center were brought up a consideration of a Westside Community Resident Rate was requested. We’ll take that up here and see if a program can be developed.

Service on City Boards was discussed. Several years ago, Board appointments were opened up to allow the Commissioners each to make appointments. More information is available on the website at

There you can find an application, a description of each board, minutes of past meetings and agendas for upcoming meetings, and a list of the members of each board.

If you want to contact the members of any given board, send an email to the Staff Liaison Email Address listed there, and it will be shared to each board member. You can also attend any board meeting in person or virtually.

Several discussion items didn’t make it to the table as we ran out of time. We will do this again, probably monthly through the summer to see what we can accomplish. I am happy to meet with anyone to chat. Please contact me with any questions you have.

Issues for Action:

  • Neighborhood Watch
  • Better Communication – Hannibal Herald
  • CRA Loan/Grant Programs
  • Traffic
  • Night Lighting
  • Costs and Programming at the Community Center
  • City Board Opportunities

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