Meeting Minutes – 10/3/23

Meeting Minutes – 10/3/23

Meeting Minutes – October 3, 2023

Meeting Date: October 3, 2023

Meeting Time: 6:00 PM

Location: Winter Park Community Center

Attendees:  Julie Jones, Carlos Benitez, Hazel Walker, Lisa Mc Clain, Linda Walker, Roda Carter, Denise Chatman, Barbara Chandler, Jeff Snyder, Donna Snyder, Christina Schloot, Bonnie Hamilton.

Action Items/ Decisions

Previous Meeting minutes were tabled.

The Treasurer has opened the bank account at First Citizens and she and Roda will be signing the paperwork by 10/6/2023.  

We are an official non-profit organization and have our EIN#. We have not yet filed for 501(c)3 status but will do so this week. When soliciting for donations, please inform them that we will send a notice once this status is official for their tax filing purposes. 

Website not up and running at this time but we own the URL for it.  We need to allocate funds to have the site designed. Roda has secured website design and has a quote.  This will need to be approved by the board and Treasurer. 

A question was brought up by Bonnie: What is the role of the CRA with WWPN? Not sure if they will provide funds and this causes uncertainty in her view. 

It has been brought to our attention that the due process for CRA funding consists of filling out the application forms. See attached. 

*Donations received:

$500.00 Donation check from John Skolfield (sponsorship) secured with Anne’s efforts. Julie sent out a thank you card to John for the contribution.

$200.00 Cash from Member, Jeff Snyder (sponsorship). Julie will ensure a thank you card is sent.

$500 was secured from Rollins College from Christina Schloot’s efforts. Rollins requests an Invoice in order to cut the check. Julie can give Christina the Membership / Sponsorship form to have them fill out. Julie will ensure that a thank you card is sent.

*Denise should send receipts to donors with a statement informing that we are applying for 501(c)(3) and therefore, we will notify them immediately once we receive the status for their tax purposes.

Amend BY-LAWS, we will edit to include the following changes:

  1. Remove the word “Association” to “Organization” and or “Non-profit organization” throughout the document.
  2. Change the word “Dues” to “Donation. As will welcome all residents within West Winter Park boundaries to become active members, while encouraging those who can make financial contributions.
  3. Add code of conduct language for the statements and actions of Members in the public eye that pertain to WWPN and its Members for Membership status to maintain “good standing”.
  4. Barbara Chandler has been appointed by the board of directors as an Advisor to the Board. This is not a voting position and will consist of advice and recommendations, coordination of strategic alliances, support and resources on behalf of the WWPN agenda. 


Linda shared crucial information on historical findings of the past existence of the West Winter Park Homeowners Association.

Bonnie and Lisa asked what the role of CRA is in this effort, and if they were to provide seed money for programs like: Funding kids summer programs, after school program/ tutoring and seniors program, they are very passionate about these programs for the community. Roda remarked that we will mark down their comments, and we need to work together as an organized group to address any wishes and concerns with a “unified voice”.   Furthermore, we have already garnered support from additional institutions and individuals so we can work together on one accord, to get programs funded.  Financial support from the CRA will be beneficial.

Meantime we should task a volunteer (Bonnie and Lisa?) to investigate what programs are actively taking place currently, where there are gaps not being filled, and report back to the WWPN board with the specifics. 

Needs can be brought to the attention of the group and the board and agreed upon areas requiring funding can be voted on by the board to be added to the budget.  We can fill out one application for funding based on our overall budget. Subcommittees or individuals can request fundraising activities as well.

Bonnie mentioned her concerns about Block Captains and how we need to clean up the old list and inform them that it’s not a Neighborhood Watch per say, but the new WWPN. Since “Block Captains” usually refers to Neighborhood Watch, we all decided to change that title to Block Leader or some other name.  We can finalize that during our next meeting. 

The Launch Party will be postponed because we are still not organized enough to get more sponsors and volunteers. We have decided to move it to the first quarter of next year, (Q1 2024) actual date TBD.  Jeff remarked that “first impressions are so important”.

We discussed establishing additional board seat roles including a Fundraising Committee Chair and Jeff Snyder stood out as a great candidate.  Not sure if this role should be designated a board seat or a committee Chair and we can flush this out during our next meeting.  As noted in a previous meeting, we mentioned the need to fill board positions including the following as an example:

*Typical list of board members for a Neighborhood Association:

President / Chair

Vice-President / Vice-Chair



Membership Representative

Land Use Representative

Public Safety Representative

Communication Representative

Coalition Representative


Barbara suggested that the WWPN collaborate and participate in other Events that take place in our neighborhood: some suggestions were Light up Hannibal Square and the MLK Festival. Barbara also asks if we may consider adding the name Hannibal Square to our group name, making it WWPN of Hannibal Square!

We asked Barbara to consider becoming a board member as Advisor, she said yes!

Meeting Minutes motion by Carlos Benitez, second by Linda Walker.

Meeting adjourned at 7:00p

Previous Meeting Minutes – 9/5/23

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